World premiere of the new Porsche 911

Film Production

"We need a film that can convince with great emotions as well as product facts". With its hybridization, the new Porsche 911 is very much in the tradition of famous predecessor models. Originally, the film was to take place in the Hyperbowl - Virtual Production Studio - in order to present all the AR animations of the new drive system in a visually high-quality way. However, at the request of the Porsche developers, the production was moved to a high-quality and worthy real-life location. The AR animations were played live on site and recorded during production. 

In order to also do justice to the emotional part, Mat Watson, Mark Webber and Jörg Bergmeister deliberately focused on pure performance elements, including an entertaining acceleration race, which stood in complete contrast to the quiet villa and the pure product explanation. 

3 Mio. Viewers on YouTube:

Thanks to: NSYNK GmbH, HueSpectives Media GmbH
